Friday, July 8, 2011

Convention 2011 Day 1: Friday, July 8

We had a great first day in Reno yesterday! Kerri Regan, our convention chair, has a great week planned for NABS. Most of yesterday was spent in the air and getting settled at our hotel, the J.A. Nugget Hotel and Casino. Brooke Jostad, Kerri Regan, and I have purchased fun snacks to sell at General Session beginning tomorrow, Sunday. We also are collecting various raffle prizes that promise to be lots of fun. Included in these prizes is a Serotek screen reader, a Bookshare membership, and varioud gift cards. Thank you to Rose Martin (Secretary), Kerri Regan (Second Vice President), Ardis Byzan (Advisor), Brooke Jostad (Treasurer), Melanie Brunson (ACB liaison), Serotek, and Bookshare for your generous donations.

Today will be the start of our various sessions and programs. Stay tuned for more details!

Also, don't forget that we have elections this Tuesday at convention. You do not need to be present in order to run. The positions up for election this year are Secretary and Second Vice President. The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at our meetins as well as various clerical tasks as provided by the board. The Second Vice President is in charge of convention and delegating many tasks in order to run a smooth and fun event.

These are great opportunities to enhance your leadership, social, and organizational skills. Please email me with nominations by Tuesday, July 12 at 12pm (noon) Pacific time. The nomination should include the name of nominee, their email address, and a short paragraph describing why he or she would make a great candidate. You may nominate a friend or yourself.

Keep connected! This is going to be a great week!
That's all for now,
Sara Conrad
NABS President

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Hello NABS! For our next topic, let's just think about social life. We spend most of our time on the list talking about accessible technology, mobility, and other blindness related topics. But what kinds of fun things did you do or are you doing for Halloween? Share your stories here! Maybe tell what costume you wore, what kinds of events you went to, or whatever you'd like. Also, keeping us connected with blindness related topics, if you had any experiences or difficulties in the social scene as a blind or visually impaired person, please do share. Sometimes social events can be great and other times they can be intimidating.

Have a great Halloween everyone!!
Sara, President

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back up and running! Post #2

Hello Everyone! So sorry for the delay in posting. Thank you to all who have responded to our previous post!

This weeks topic: Getting into the swing of things.

Post where you are at school, what your major is, and anything else about your start of the semester that you wish to share with everyone!

Thanks all,
Sara Conrad
NABS President

Monday, July 19, 2010

Topic #1: July 18-24, 2010 "Elementary"

For this week's topic, let's look back all the way to elementary and middle school.

If you could advise one young legally blind student to use any piece of accessible technology, what would it be? Maybe think about something that you use now in high school or college that would have made things easier back in elemementary or middle school.
If you can't think of a technology, then what do you wish you knew when you were in grade school that you know now?
Answers may be used on our website Resources page (smile)